Our work


Support and facilitate contact and learning with a very lucid understanding of reality across cultures, practitioners and masters in which this knowledgemethods e EXPERIENCE been developed for some millennia.

We live at a time when there is a rich dialogue and exchange between modern sciences in the West – such as neuroscience and quantum physics in fields such as education e lead - and the contemplative sciences from India, Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet. Traveling in these regions is an incredible opportunity to get closer and experience these visions, spiritual and cultural relationships.

How to Live Aligned with

We travel, study, travel and live in India, Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet since 2000. Our expertise and experience is in go alongorganize, offer the structure suitable and care of travel a lot Custom in these specific destinations, individually and in groups. In this way, together we ensure that you enjoy your time before and during your trip, investment e opportunity in the best and most meaningful way possible.